Base Components are the building blocks for your Edifice application.
These components may all be imported from the edifice namespace::
import edifice
from edifice import View, Label
# you can now access edifice.Button, View, etc.
All components in this module inherit from :doc:`QtWidgetComponent<edifice.base_components.QtWidgetComponent>`
and its props, such as `style` and `on_click`.
This means that all widgets could potentially respond to clicks and are stylable using css-like stylesheets.
The components here can roughly be divided into layout components and content components.
Layout components take a list of children and function as a container for its children;
it is most analogous to the `<div>` html tag.
The two basic layout components are :doc:`View<edifice.base_components.View>` and :doc:`ScrollView<edifice.base_components.ScrollView>`,
They take a layout prop, which controls whether children are laid out in a row,
a column, or without any preset layout.
A layout component without children will appear as an empty spot in the window;
of course, you could still set the background color, borders,
and size, making this a handy way of reserving blank spot on the screen
or drawing an empty rectangle.
Content components display some information or control on the window.
The basic component for displaying text is :doc:`Label<edifice.base_components.Label>`,
which simply displays the given text (or any Python object).
The font can be controlled using the style prop.
The :doc:`Icon<edifice.base_components.Icon>` component is another handy component, displaying an icon from the
Font Awesome icon set.
Finally, the :doc:`Button<edifice.base_components.Button>` and :doc:`TextInput<stubs.edifice.base_components.TextInput>`
components allow you to collect input from the user.
# pylint:disable=unused-argument
from . import logger
import asyncio
import functools
import inspect
import logging
import math
logger = logging.getLogger("Edifice")
import os
import re
import typing as tp
import numpy as np
from ._component import BaseComponent, WidgetComponent, RootComponent, register_props
from .qt import QT_VERSION
if QT_VERSION == "PyQt5":
from PyQt5 import QtWidgets
from PyQt5 import QtSvg, QtGui
from PyQt5 import QtCore
from PySide2 import QtCore, QtWidgets, QtSvg, QtGui
Key = QtCore.Qt.Key
def _ensure_future(fn):
# Ensures future if fn is a coroutine, otherwise don't modify fn
if inspect.iscoroutinefunction(fn):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
return asyncio.ensure_future(fn(*args, **kwargs))
return wrapper
return fn
StyleType = tp.Optional[tp.Union[tp.Mapping[tp.Text, tp.Any], tp.Sequence[tp.Mapping[tp.Text, tp.Any]]]]
RGBAType = tp.Tuple[int, int, int, int]
def _dict_to_style(d, prefix="QWidget"):
d = d or {}
stylesheet = prefix + "{%s}" % (";".join("%s: %s" % (k, v) for (k, v) in d.items()))
return stylesheet
def _array_to_pixmap(arr):
import numpy as np
except ImportError:
raise ValueError("Image src must be filename or numpy array")
height, width, channel = arr.shape
if arr.dtype == np.float32 or arr.dtype == np.float64:
arr = (255 * arr).round()
arr = arr.astype(np.uint8)
return QtGui.QPixmap.fromImage(QtGui.QImage(arr.data, width, height, channel * width, QtGui.QImage.Format_RGB888))
def _get_image(path):
return QtGui.QPixmap(path)
def _image_descriptor_to_pixmap(inp):
if isinstance(inp, str):
return _get_image(inp)
return _array_to_pixmap(inp)
def _get_svg_image_raw(icon_path, size):
svg_renderer = QtSvg.QSvgRenderer(icon_path)
image = QtGui.QImage(size, size, QtGui.QImage.Format_ARGB32)
pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap.fromImage(image)
return pixmap
def _get_svg_image(icon_path, size, rotation=0, color=(0, 0, 0, 255)):
pixmap = _get_svg_image_raw(icon_path, size)
if color == (0, 0, 0, 255) and rotation == 0:
return pixmap
pixmap = pixmap.copy()
if color != (0, 0, 0, 255):
mask = pixmap.mask()
if rotation != 0:
w, h = pixmap.width(), pixmap.height()
pixmap = pixmap.transformed(QtGui.QTransform().rotate(rotation))
new_w, new_h = pixmap.width(), pixmap.height()
pixmap = pixmap.copy((new_w - w) // 2, (new_h - h) // 2, w, h)
return pixmap
def _css_to_number(a):
if not isinstance(a, str):
return a
if a.endswith("px"):
return float(a[:-2])
return float(a)
"default": QtCore.Qt.ArrowCursor,
"arrow": QtCore.Qt.ArrowCursor,
"pointer": QtCore.Qt.PointingHandCursor,
"grab": QtCore.Qt.OpenHandCursor,
"grabbing": QtCore.Qt.ClosedHandCursor,
"text": QtCore.Qt.IBeamCursor,
"crosshair": QtCore.Qt.CrossCursor,
"move": QtCore.Qt.SizeAllCursor,
"wait": QtCore.Qt.WaitCursor,
"ew-resize": QtCore.Qt.SizeHorCursor,
"ns-resize": QtCore.Qt.SizeVerCursor,
"nesw-resize": QtCore.Qt.SizeBDiagCursor,
"nwse-resize": QtCore.Qt.SizeFDiagCursor,
"not-allowed": QtCore.Qt.ForbiddenCursor,
"forbidden": QtCore.Qt.ForbiddenCursor,
ContextMenuType = tp.Mapping[tp.Text, tp.Union[None, tp.Callable[[], tp.Any], "ContextMenuType"]]
def _create_qmenu(menu: ContextMenuType, parent, title: tp.Optional[tp.Text] = None):
widget = QtWidgets.QMenu(parent)
if title is not None:
for key, value in menu.items():
if isinstance(value, dict):
sub_menu = _create_qmenu(value, widget, key)
elif value is None:
widget.addAction(key, value)
return widget
[docs]class Window(RootComponent):
"""Component that displays its child as a window.
Window will mount its child as a window.
It can be created as a child of any standard container.
This is useful if a window is logically associated with ::
class MyApp(Component):
def render(self):
return View()(
Window(Label("Hello"), title="Hello"),
if __name__ == "__main__":
title: the window title
icon: the window icon
menu: the window's menu bar. In some GUI settings, for example Mac OS,
this menu will appear seperately from the window.
on_close: event handler for when this window is closed.
def __init__(self, title: tp.Text = "Edifice Application",
icon:tp.Optional[tp.Union[tp.Text, tp.Sequence]] = None,
on_close: tp.Optional[tp.Callable[[QtGui.QCloseEvent], tp.Any]] = None):
self._previous_rendering = None
self._on_click = None
self._menu_bar = None
self.underlying = None
[docs] def will_unmount(self):
if self._previous_rendering:
def _set_on_close(self, underlying, on_close):
self._on_close = on_close
if on_close:
underlying.closeEvent = _ensure_future(self._on_close)
underlying.closeEvent = lambda e: None
def _attach_menubar(self, menu_bar, menus):
for menu_title, menu in menus.items():
if not isinstance(menu, dict):
raise ValueError(
"Menu must be a dict of dicts (each of which describes a submenu)")
menu_bar.addMenu(_create_qmenu(menu, menu_title))
def _qt_update_commands(self, children, newprops, newstate):
if len(children) != 1:
raise ValueError("Window can only have 1 child")
child = children[0].component
commands = []
if self._previous_rendering:
old_position = self._previous_rendering.underlying.pos()
if child != self._previous_rendering:
if old_position:
commands.append((child.underlying.move, old_position))
newprops = self.props
self._menu_bar = None
newprops = self.props
self._menu_bar = None
self._previous_rendering = child
for prop in newprops:
if prop == "title":
commands.append((self._previous_rendering.underlying.setWindowTitle, newprops.title))
elif prop == "on_close":
commands.append((self._set_on_close, self._previous_rendering.underlying, newprops.on_close))
elif prop == "icon" and newprops.icon:
pixmap = _image_descriptor_to_pixmap(newprops.icon)
commands.append((self._previous_rendering.underlying.setWindowIcon, QtGui.QIcon(pixmap)))
elif prop == "menu" and newprops.menu:
if self._menu_bar is not None:
self._menu_bar = QtWidgets.QMenuBar()
commands.append((self._attach_menubar, self._menu_bar, newprops.menu))
return commands
class GroupBox(QtWidgetComponent):
def __init__(self, title):
self.underlying = None
def _initialize(self):
self.underlying = QtWidgets.QGroupBox(self.props.title)
def _qt_update_commands(self, children, newprops, newstate):
if self.underlying is None:
if len(children) != 1:
raise ValueError("GroupBox expects exactly 1 child, got %s" % len(children))
commands = super()._qt_update_commands(children, newprops, newstate, self.underlying)
commands.append((children[0].component.underlying.setParent, self.underlying))
commands.append((self.underlying.setTitle, self.props.title))
return commands
[docs]class Icon(QtWidgetComponent):
"""Display an Icon
.. figure:: ../widget_images/icons.png
:width: 300
Two icons. Note that you can set the color and rotation.
Icons are central to modern-looking UI design.
Edifice comes with the Font Awesome (https://fontawesome.com) regular and solid
icon sets, to save you time from looking up your own icon set.
You can specify an icon simplify using its name (and optionally the sub_collection).
will create a classic share icon.
You can browse and search for icons here: https://fontawesome.com/icons?d=gallery&s=regular,solid
name: name of the icon. Search for the name on https://fontawesome.com/icons?d=gallery&s=regular,solid
size: size of the icon.
collection: the icon package. Currently only font-awesome is supported.
sub_collection: for font awesome, either solid or regular
color: the RGBA value for the icon color
rotation: an angle (in degrees) for the icon rotation
def __init__(self, name: tp.Text, size: int = 10, collection: tp.Text = "font-awesome",
sub_collection: tp.Text = "solid",
color: RGBAType = (0,0,0,255), rotation: float = 0, **kwargs):
self.underlying = None
def _initialize(self):
self.underlying = QtWidgets.QLabel("")
def _render_image(self, icon_path, size, color, rotation):
pixmap = _get_svg_image(icon_path, size, color=color, rotation=rotation)
def _qt_update_commands(self, children, newprops, newstate):
if self.underlying is None:
self._set_size(self.props.size, self.props.size)
commands = super()._qt_update_commands(children, newprops, newstate, self.underlying)
icon_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)),
self.props.collection, self.props.sub_collection, self.props.name + ".svg")
if "name" in newprops or "size" in newprops or "collection" in newprops or "sub_collection" in newprops or "color" in newprops or "rotation" in newprops:
commands.append((self._render_image, icon_path, self.props.size, self.props.color, self.props.rotation))
return commands
[docs]class Label(QtWidgetComponent):
"""Basic widget for displaying text.
.. figure:: ../widget_images/label.png
:width: 500
Three different label objects. You can embed HTML in labels to get rich text formatting.
text: the text to display. Can be any Python type; the text prop is converted
to a string using str before being displayed
word_wrap: enable/disable word wrapping.
selectable: whether the content of the label can be selected. Defaults to False.
editable: whether the content of the label can be edited. Defaults to False.
def __init__(self, text: tp.Any = "", selectable: bool = False, editable: bool = False,
word_wrap: bool = True, **kwargs):
self.underlying = None
def _initialize(self):
self.underlying = QtWidgets.QLabel(str(self.props.text))
def _qt_update_commands(self, children, newprops, newstate):
if self.underlying is None:
size = self.underlying.font().pointSize()
self._set_size(size * len(str(self.props.text)), size, lambda size: (size * len(str(self.props.text)), size))
commands = super()._qt_update_commands(children, newprops, newstate, self.underlying, None)
for prop in newprops:
if prop == "text":
commands.append((self.underlying.setText, str(newprops[prop])))
elif prop == "word_wrap":
commands.append((self.underlying.setWordWrap, self.props.word_wrap))
elif prop == "selectable" or prop == "editable":
interaction_flags = 0
change_cursor = False
if self.props.selectable:
change_cursor = True
interaction_flags = (QtCore.Qt.TextSelectableByMouse | QtCore.Qt.TextSelectableByKeyboard)
if self.props.editable:
change_cursor = True
# PyQt5 doesn't support bitwise or with ints
if interaction_flags:
interaction_flags |= QtCore.Qt.TextEditable
interaction_flags = QtCore.Qt.TextEditable
if change_cursor and self.props.cursor is None:
commands.append((self.underlying.setCursor, _CURSORS["text"]))
if interaction_flags:
commands.append((self.underlying.setTextInteractionFlags, interaction_flags))
return commands
[docs]class Image(QtWidgetComponent):
"""An image container.
src: either the path to the image, or an np array. The np array must be 3 dimensional (height, width, channels)
scale_to_fit: if True, the image will be scaled to fit inside the container.
def __init__(self, src: tp.Any = "", scale_to_fit: bool = True, **kwargs):
self.underlying = None
def _initialize(self):
self.underlying = QtWidgets.QLabel()
def _qt_update_commands(self, children, newprops, newstate):
if self.underlying is None:
commands = super()._qt_update_commands(children, newprops, newstate, self.underlying, None)
commands.append((self.underlying.setScaledContents, self.props.scale_to_fit))
for prop in newprops:
if prop == "src":
commands.append((self.underlying.setPixmap, _image_descriptor_to_pixmap(self.props.src)))
return commands
class Completer(object):
def __init__(self, options, mode="popup"):
self.options = options
if mode == "popup":
self.mode = QtWidgets.QCompleter.PopupCompletion
elif mode == "inline":
self.mode = QtWidgets.QCompleter.InlineCompletion
raise ValueError
def __eq__(self, other):
return (self.options == other.options) and (self.mode == other.mode)
def __ne__(self, other):
return (self.options != other.options) or (self.mode != other.mode)
[docs]class TextInput(QtWidgetComponent):
"""Basic widget for a one line text input
.. figure:: ../widget_images/textinput_button.png
:width: 300
TextInput on the left. Note that you can set an optional Completer, giving the dropdown for completion.
text: Initial text of the text input
on_change: callback for the value of the text input changes. The callback is passed the changed
value of the text
def __init__(self, text: tp.Any = "", on_change: tp.Callable[[tp.Text], None] = (lambda text: None),
on_edit_finish: tp.Callable[[], None] = (lambda: None),
completer: tp.Optional[Completer] = None, **kwargs):
self._on_change_connected = False
self._editing_finished_connected = False
self.underlying = None
def _initialize(self):
self.underlying = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(str(self.props.text))
size = self.underlying.font().pointSize()
self._set_size(size * len(self.props.text), size)
[docs] def set_on_change(self, on_change):
def on_change_fun(text):
if text != self.props.text:
return _ensure_future(on_change)(text)
if self._on_change_connected:
self._on_change_connected = True
[docs] def set_on_edit_finish(self, on_edit_finish):
def on_edit_finish_fun():
return _ensure_future(on_edit_finish)()
if self._editing_finished_connected:
self._editing_finished_connected = True
[docs] def set_completer(self, completer):
if completer:
qt_completer = QtWidgets.QCompleter(completer.options)
def _qt_update_commands(self, children, newprops, newstate):
if self.underlying is None:
commands = super()._qt_update_commands(children, newprops, newstate, self.underlying)
commands.append((self.underlying.setText, str(self.props.text)))
for prop in newprops:
if prop == "on_change":
commands.append((self.set_on_change, newprops[prop]))
elif prop == "on_edit_finish":
commands.append((self.set_on_edit_finish, newprops[prop]))
elif prop == "completer":
commands.append((self.set_completer, newprops[prop]))
return commands
class Dropdown(QtWidgetComponent):
"""Basic widget for a dropdown menu.
.. figure:: ../widget_images/checkbox_dropdown.png
:width: 300
Dropdown on the right.
text: Initial text of the text input
on_change: callback for the value of the text input changes. The callback is passed the changed
value of the text
def __init__(self, selection: tp.Text = "", text: tp.Text = "",
options: tp.Optional[tp.Sequence[tp.Text]] = None,
editable: bool = False,
completer: tp.Optional[Completer] = None,
on_change: tp.Optional[tp.Callable[[tp.Text], None]] = None,
on_select: tp.Optional[tp.Callable[[tp.Text], None]] = None,
self._on_change_connected = False
self._on_select_connected = False
self.underlying = None
if not editable and on_change is not None and on_select is None:
raise ValueError("Uneditable dropdowns do not emit change events. Use the on_select event handler.")
def _initialize(self):
self.underlying = QtWidgets.QComboBox()
def set_completer(self, completer):
if completer:
qt_completer = QtWidgets.QCompleter(completer.options)
def set_on_change(self, on_change):
def on_change_fun(text):
return _ensure_future(on_change)(text)
if self._on_change_connected:
if on_change is not None:
self._on_change_connected = True
def set_on_select(self, on_select):
def on_select_fun(text):
return _ensure_future(on_select)(text)
if self._on_select_connected:
if on_select is not None:
self._on_select_connected = True
def _qt_update_commands(self, children, newprops, newstate):
if self.underlying is None:
commands = super()._qt_update_commands(children, newprops, newstate, self.underlying)
commands.append((self.underlying.setEditable, self.props.editable))
if "options" in newprops:
(self.underlying.addItems, newprops.options),
for prop in newprops:
if prop == "on_change":
commands.append((self.set_on_change, newprops[prop]))
elif prop == "on_select":
commands.append((self.set_on_select, newprops[prop]))
elif prop == "text":
commands.append((self.underlying.setEditText, newprops[prop]))
elif prop == "selection":
commands.append((self.underlying.setCurrentText, newprops[prop]))
elif prop == "completer":
commands.append((self.set_completer, newprops[prop]))
return commands
[docs]class CheckBox(QtWidgetComponent):
"""Checkbox widget.
.. figure:: ../widget_images/checkbox_dropdown.png
:width: 300
Checkbox on the left.
A checkbox allows the user to specify some boolean state.
The checked prop determines the initial check-state of the widget.
When the user toggles the check state, the on_change callback is called
with the new check state.
checked: whether or not the checkbox is checked initially
text: text for the label of the checkbox
on_change: callback for when the check box state changes.
The callback receives the new state of the check box as an argument.
def __init__(self, checked: bool = False, text: tp.Any = "",
on_change: tp.Callable[[bool], None] = (lambda checked: None), **kwargs):
self._connected = False
self.underlying = None
def _initialize(self):
self.underlying = QtWidgets.QCheckBox(str(self.props.text))
size = self.underlying.font().pointSize()
self._set_size(size * len(self.props.text), size)
[docs] def set_on_change(self, on_change):
def on_change_fun(checked):
return _ensure_future(on_change)(checked)
if self._connected:
self._connected = True
def _qt_update_commands(self, children, newprops, newstate):
if self.underlying is None:
commands = super()._qt_update_commands(children, newprops, newstate, self.underlying)
check_state = QtCore.Qt.Checked if self.props.checked else QtCore.Qt.Unchecked
commands.append((self.underlying.setCheckState, check_state))
for prop in newprops:
if prop == "on_change":
commands.append((self.set_on_change, newprops[prop]))
elif prop == "text":
commands.append((self.underlying.setText, str(newprops[prop])))
return commands
NumericType = tp.Union[float, int]
[docs]class Slider(QtWidgetComponent):
"""Slider bar widget.
.. figure:: ../widget_images/slider.png
:width: 300
Horizontal and vertical sliders
A Slider bar allows the user to input a continuous value.
The bar could be displayed either horizontally or vertically.
The value prop determines the initial value of the widget,
and it could either be an integer or a float
When the user changes the value of the slider,
the on_change callback is called with the new value.
value: the initial value of the slider
min_value: the minimum value for the slider
max_value: the max value for the slider
dtype: the data type for the slider, either int or float.
orientation: the orientation of the slider,
either horizontal or vertical.
on_change: callback for when the slider value changes.
The callback receives the new value of the slider as an argument.
def __init__(self, value: NumericType = 0.0,
min_value: NumericType = 0,
max_value: NumericType = 1,
on_change: tp.Callable[[NumericType], None] = (lambda value: None), **kwargs):
# A QSlider only accepts integers. We represent floats as
# an integer between 0 and 1024.
self._connected = False
self.underlying = None
# TODO: let user choose?
self._granularity = 512
if math.isnan(value):
raise ValueError("Received nan for value")
elif math.isnan(min_value):
raise ValueError("Received nan for min_value")
elif math.isnan(max_value):
raise ValueError("Received nan for max_value")
elif min_value == max_value:
raise ValueError("min_value must be different from max_value")
elif value < min_value or value > max_value:
raise ValueError("value must be between min_value and max_value")
if orientation == "horizontal" or orientation == "row":
self.orientation = QtCore.Qt.Horizontal
elif orientation == "vertical" or orientation == "column":
self.orientation = QtCore.Qt.Vertical
raise ValueError("Orientation must be horizontal or vertical, got %s" % orientation)
def _initialize(self):
self.underlying = QtWidgets.QSlider(self.orientation)
# TODO: figure out what's the right default height and width
# if self.orientation == QtCore.Qt.Horizontal:
# self._set_size(size * len(self.props.text), size)
# else:
# self._set_size(size * len(self.props.text), size)
[docs] def set_on_change(self, on_change):
def on_change_fun(value):
if self.props.dtype == float:
min_value, max_value = self.props.min_value, self.props.max_value
value = min_value + (max_value - min_value) * (value / self._granularity)
return _ensure_future(on_change)(value)
if self._connected:
self._connected = True
def _qt_update_commands(self, children, newprops, newstate):
if self.underlying is None:
commands = super()._qt_update_commands(children, newprops, newstate, self.underlying)
value = self.props.value
if self.props.dtype == float:
min_value, max_value = self.props.min_value, self.props.max_value
value = int((value - min_value) / (max_value - min_value) * self._granularity)
if self.props.dtype == float:
commands.extend([(self.underlying.setMinimum, 0),
(self.underlying.setMaximum, self._granularity),
commands.extend([(self.underlying.setMinimum, self.props.min_value),
(self.underlying.setMaximum, self.props.max_value),
commands.append((self.underlying.setValue, value))
for prop in newprops:
if prop == "on_change":
commands.append((self.set_on_change, newprops[prop]))
return commands
class _LinearView(QtWidgetComponent):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self._already_rendered = {}
self._widget_children = []
def __del__(self):
def _recompute_children(self, children):
commands = []
children = [child for child in children if child.component.underlying is not None]
new_children = set()
for child in children:
for child in list(self._already_rendered.keys()):
if child not in new_children:
del self._already_rendered[child]
for i, old_child in reversed(list(enumerate(self._widget_children))):
if old_child not in new_children:
commands.append((self._delete_child, i, old_child))
del self._widget_children[i]
old_child_index = 0
old_children_len = len(self._widget_children)
for i, child in enumerate(children):
old_child = None
if old_child_index < old_children_len:
old_child = self._widget_children[old_child_index]
if old_child is None or child.component is not old_child:
if child.component not in self._already_rendered:
commands.append((self._add_child, i, child.component.underlying))
old_child_index -= 1
commands.extend([(self._soft_delete_child, i, old_child),
(self._add_child, i, child.component.underlying)])
old_child_index += 1
self._already_rendered[child.component] = True
self._widget_children = [child.component for child in children]
return commands
[docs]class View(_LinearView):
"""Basic layout widget for grouping children together
Content that does not fit into the View layout will be clipped.
To allow scrolling in case of overflow, use :doc:`ScrollView<edifice.base_components.ScrollView>`.
layout: one of column, row, or none.
A row layout will lay its children in a row and a column layout will lay its children in a column.
When row or column layout are set, the position of their children is not adjustable.
If layout is none, then all children by default will be positioend at the upper left-hand corner
of the View (x=0, y=0). Children can set the `top` and `left` attributes of their style
to position themselves relevative to their parent.
def __init__(self, layout: tp.Text = "column", **kwargs):
self.underlying = None
def _delete_child(self, i, old_child):
if self.underlying_layout is not None:
child_node = self.underlying_layout.takeAt(i)
if child_node.widget():
child_node.widget().deleteLater() # setParent(self._garbage_collector)
def _soft_delete_child(self, i, old_child):
if self.underlying_layout is not None:
def _add_child(self, i, child_component):
if self.underlying_layout is not None:
self.underlying_layout.insertWidget(i, child_component)
def _initialize(self):
self.underlying = QtWidgets.QWidget()
layout = self.props.layout
if layout == "column":
self.underlying_layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout()
elif layout == "row":
self.underlying_layout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout()
elif layout == "none":
self.underlying_layout = None
raise ValueError("Layout must be row, column or none, got %s instead", layout)
if self.underlying_layout is not None:
self.underlying_layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
self.underlying.setMinimumSize(100, 100)
def _qt_update_commands(self, children, newprops, newstate):
if self.underlying is None:
commands = self._recompute_children(children)
commands.extend(self._qt_stateless_commands(children, newprops, newstate))
return commands
def _qt_stateless_commands(self, children, newprops, newstate):
# This stateless render command is used to test rendering
commands = super()._qt_update_commands(children, newprops, newstate, self.underlying, self.underlying_layout)
return commands
def _layout_str_to_grid_spec(layout):
"""Parses layout to return a grid spec.
layout: layout string as expected by GridView
Returns: (num_rows, num_cols, cell_list), where cell_list is a list of
tuples (char_code, row_idx, col_idx, row_span, col_span)
ls = []
layout = re.split(";|\n", layout)
layout = list(filter(lambda x: x, map(lambda x: x.strip(), layout)))
num_rows = len(layout)
if num_rows == 0:
return (0, 0, [])
num_cols = len(layout[0])
if num_cols == 0:
return (num_rows, 0, [])
corner = (0, 0)
unprocessed = np.ones([num_rows, num_cols])
while np.any(unprocessed):
char = layout[corner[0]][corner[1]]
i = corner[1] + 1
for i in range(corner[1] + 1, num_cols + 1):
if i >= num_cols or layout[corner[0]][i] != char:
col_span = i - corner[1]
j = corner[0] + 1
for j in range(corner[0] + 1, num_rows + 1):
if j >= num_rows or layout[j][corner[1]] != char:
row_span = j - corner[0]
ls.append((char, corner[0], corner[1], row_span, col_span))
unprocessed[corner[0]: corner[0] + row_span, corner[1]: corner[1] + col_span] = 0
corner = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(unprocessed), unprocessed.shape)
return (num_rows, num_cols, ls)
[docs]class GridView(QtWidgetComponent):
"""Grid layout widget for rendering children on a 2D rectangular grid.
Grid views allow you to precisely control 2D positioning of widgets.
While you can also layout widgets using nested :doc:`Views<edifice.base_components.View>`,
specifying the exact location of children relative to each other (with proper alignment)
requires extensive fine tuning of style attributes.
The GridView allows you to lay out widgets at specified grid indices and size.
Children will be laid out according to the layout argument.
Each child is assigned a character code (by default, the first character of the key;
this can be changed via the key_to_code prop).
The layout argument describes pictorially where the child should be laid out.
For example::
describes a layout of 7 children (labeled *a* to *g*) in a 3x4 grid.
Child a occupies the top left 2x2 portion of the grid,
child b occupies a 2x1 portion of the grid starting from the third column of the first row,
You can also leave certain spots empty using '_'::
Here is a complete example of using GridView::
def render(self):
return ed.GridView(layout='''
ed.Button("7").set_key("7"), ed.Button("8").set_key("8"), ed.Button("9").set_key("9"), ed.Button("+").set_key("+"),
ed.Button("4").set_key("4"), ed.Button("5").set_key("5"), ed.Button("6").set_key("6"), ed.Button("-").set_key("-"),
ed.Button("1").set_key("1"), ed.Button("2").set_key("2"), ed.Button("3").set_key("3"), ed.Button("*").set_key("*"),
ed.Button("0").set_key("0"), ed.Button(".").set_key("."), ed.Button("*").set_key("/"),
layout: description of layout as described above
key_to_code: mapping from key to a single character representing that child in the layout string
def __init__(self, layout="", key_to_code=None, **kwargs):
self.underlying = None
self._previously_rendered = None
def _initialize(self):
self.underlying = QtWidgets.QWidget()
self.underlying_layout = QtWidgets.QGridLayout()
self.underlying_layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
def _clear(self):
while self.underlying_layout.takeAt(0) is not None:
def _qt_update_commands(self, children, newprops, newstate):
if self.underlying is None:
rows, columns, grid_spec = _layout_str_to_grid_spec(self.props.layout)
if self.props.key_to_code is None:
code_to_child = {c.component._key[0]: c.component for c in children}
code_to_child = {self.props.key_to_code[c.component._key]: c.component for c in children}
grid_spec = [(code_to_child[cell[0]],) + cell[1:] for cell in grid_spec if cell[0] not in " _"]
commands = []
if grid_spec != self._previously_rendered:
for child, y, x, dy, dx in grid_spec:
commands.append((self.underlying_layout.addWidget, child.underlying, y, x, dy, dx,))
self._previously_rendered = grid_spec
commands.extend(super()._qt_update_commands(children, newprops, newstate, self.underlying, None))
return commands
[docs]class TabView(_LinearView):
"""Widget with multiple tabs.
.. figure:: ../widget_images/tab_view.png
:width: 300
A TabView with 2 children.
labels: The labels for the tabs. The number of labels must match the number of children.
def __init__(self, labels=None, **kwargs):
self.underlying = None
def _delete_child(self, i, old_child):
def _soft_delete_child(self, i, old_child):
def _add_child(self, i, child_component):
self.underlying.insertTab(i, child_component, self.props.labels[i])
def _initialize(self):
self.underlying = QtWidgets.QTabWidget()
def _qt_update_commands(self, children, newprops, newstate):
if len(children) != len(self.props.labels):
raise ValueError(f"The number of labels should be equal to the number of children for TabView {self}")
if self.underlying is None:
commands = self._recompute_children(children)
commands.extend(super()._qt_update_commands(children, newprops, newstate, self.underlying, None))
return commands
class List(RootComponent):
def __init__(self):
def _qt_update_commands(self, children, newprops, newstate):
return []
### TODO: Tables are not well tested
class Table(QtWidgetComponent):
def __init__(self, rows: int, columns: int,
row_headers: tp.Sequence[tp.Any] = None, column_headers: tp.Sequence[tp.Any] = None,
alternating_row_colors:bool = True):
self._already_rendered = {}
self._widget_children = []
self.underlying = QtWidgets.QTableWidget(rows, columns)
def _qt_update_commands(self, children, newprops, newstate):
commands = super()._qt_update_commands(children, newprops, newstate, self.underlying, None)
for prop in newprops:
if prop == "rows":
commands.append((self.underlying.setRowCount, newprops[prop]))
elif prop == "columns":
commands.append((self.underlying.setColumnCount, newprops[prop]))
elif prop == "alternating_row_colors":
commands.append((self.underlying.setAlternatingRowColors, newprops[prop]))
elif prop == "row_headers":
if newprops[prop] is not None:
commands.append((self.underlying.setVerticalHeaderLabels, list(map(str, newprops[prop]))))
commands.append((self.underlying.setVerticalHeaderLabels, list(map(str, range(newprops.rows)))))
elif prop == "column_headers":
if newprops[prop] is not None:
commands.append((self.underlying.setHorizontalHeaderLabels, list(map(str, newprops[prop]))))
commands.append((self.underlying.setHorizontalHeaderLabels, list(map(str, range(newprops.columns)))))
new_children = set()
for child in children:
for child in list(self._already_rendered.keys()):
if child not in new_children:
del self._already_rendered[child]
for i, old_child in reversed(list(enumerate(self._widget_children))):
if old_child not in new_children:
for j, el in enumerate(old_child.children):
if el:
commands.append((self.underlying.setCellWidget, i, j, QtWidgets.QWidget()))
self._widget_children = [child.component for child in children]
for i, child in enumerate(children):
if child.component not in self._already_rendered:
for j, el in enumerate(child.children):
commands.append((self.underlying.setCellWidget, i, j, el.component.underlying))
self._already_rendered[child.component] = True
return commands